Bio-Toilet To Make India Open Defecation Free!

Open defecation is a rampant problem, especially in rural India, causing an alarming situation which creates  health hazards, raises environmental concerns and leads to water contamination.

According to research, more than half of our countries population still practices open defecation. Whereas, many people practicing it have access to a toilet but they avoid using it due to the sludge generation. 

In most urban and rural areas, septic tanks and drains are placed in close vicinity leading to the over-flow of contaminated water through drains that are usually located infront of an individuals house.

Therefore, to eliminate this issue we must adapt to Bio-Digester Toilet, which is a simple, low-cost technology, used for treating human waste. Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), this unique technology can help us put an end to open defecation and manual scavenging in the country. Bio-Digester Toilets can be used in independent houses, apartment blocks, schools and other educational institutions and hostels.

They offer an eco-friendly solution for the following reasons:

  • Septic tank in conventional toilets can easily be converted into Bio-Digester Toilets
  • While Bio-Digester Toilet uses the same amount of water as a conventional toilet, it enables the water to be reused
  • No sludge is produced, high maintenance and cleaning is not required
  • As compared to septic tanks, Bio-Digester Toilets use only 30% of space
  • The best feature is that it totally does away with manual scavenging and is low on installation cost

Therefore, prioritising the importance of hygiene/sanitation for human dignity, health and well-being, EPEE manufactures Bio-Digester Toilets, with an integrated approach, which is taking this effective and innovative system to the next level.

EPEE’s Bio-Digester Toilets consists of an easy to install structure, a multi-chambered Bio-Tank which holds the anaerobic bacterial column that supports the treatment of human waste. The system deactivates 99% of pathogens, being extremely useful even in extreme weather conditions. The only by-products are water, which is fit for gardening/agricultural activities and odourless gas. These tanks do not provide any bad odour in toilets, the faecal matter in the tank is not visible, no clogging of the digester, is absolutely free from creating infestation of cockroaches/files and it does not require removal of solid waste plus use of phenyl is permitted upto 84 ppm.

Now, as we are aware about how this technology converts the human waste into recyclable effluent which can then be utilized for various purposes, it is time for us to take a step towards contributing to a Clean, Green and Safe Planet by adopting a Bio-Digester Toilet.

We at EPEE, take pride for being sole TOT holders present in Goa, committed towards environmental betterment and social upliftment, supporting to eradicate the malaise of open defecation, while actively empowering the Government’s vision of creating an open defecation free society by providing eco-friendly Bio-Digester Toilets.

To know more about this unique sanitation technology contact us, we always feel delighted to help you with the best products and facilities!

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